My Top 15 Most Listened to Albums of Spring 2012

Yesterday was the first day of summer, and I realized how much music I have been listening to this year, especially with Spotify and the 10k miles of driving I’ve done. Here’s what I have been listening to this spring! No reasoning, no reviews, just a list.

15. NeedtoBreathe – The Reckoning

14. fun. – Some Nights

13. Sigur Ros – Valtari

I love this album artwork

12. Blitzen Trapper – American Goldwing

11. Caravan Palace – Caravan Palace

10. Imagine Dragons – Continued Silence EP

9. Andrew Bird – Break It Yourself

8. Bombay Bicycle Club – A Different Kind of Fix

7. The Naked and Famous – Passive Me, Aggressive You

6. Ben Rector – Into The Morning

5. mewithoutYou – Ten Stories

4. The Shins – Port of Morrow

3. M83 – Saturdays=Youth

2. M83 – Hurry Up We’re Dreaming

1. Of Monsters and Men – My Head is an Animal

I can't stop listening....

Remember Domino Rally?

Domino Rally was one of my favorite toys as a kid. I use the term ‘kid’ loosely, because I’m pretty sure I played with it until I was fifteen. It was that awesome.

I realized a long time ago that my mind makes really strange, disjointed chain of connections that usually results with me making a comment that probably seems like a non sequitur to everyone except for me. I will give you an example of one chain of thought that I had today, that led me to think about Domino Rally.

On the way into work this morning, I was listening to Florence + the Machine. This is somewhat out of character for me because I so rarely find a female artist that I like, but I’m mildly obsessed with Florence. Anyway, Drumming Song was playing, which is a catchy song but doesn’t have much lyrical depth.

“I swallow the sound and it swallows me whole
Till there’s nothing left inside my soul
As empty as that beating drum
But the sound has just begun

As I move my feet towards your body
I can hear this beat it fills my head up
And gets louder and louder
It fills my head up and gets louder and louder

There’s a drumming noise inside my head
That starts when you’re around
I swear that you could hear it
It makes such an all mighty sound”

Since a good chunk of connections that I make relate back to Doctor Who, I naturally started to think about The Master and the drumming he perpetually heard in his head that drove him to madness. 1234  1234  1234…

This led me to think of my favorite movie, Ink. (Ink is on Netflix streaming, watch it IMMEDIATELY! Please excuse the first few words of the movie, though) In the movie, there is a pathfinder, Jacob, who can hear the beat of the universe. 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4. (SPOILER ALERT – don’t watch the video I’m linking to and skip the rest of this paragraph if you plan on watching the movie, which I know of course you will because it’s awesome) He can hear the rhythm of life around him, and because of that, he can then figure out exactly how to change the path  of someone’s life, by interrupting its flow. Jacob causes a chain reaction of events that eventually cause John’s car crash, which lands him in the same hospital where his daughter is lying in a coma, and they are finally reunited.

So then I start thinking about chain reactions and how awesome the Rube Goldberg machine was in OK Go’s music video “This Too Shall Pass”.

Which logically led me right to Domino Rally.

Of course, this progression probably only took a couple of seconds in my head. But I think someone would probably have been pretty confused if they asked me “Do you know Florence + the Machine?” and I responded with “Yeah! And wasn’t Domino Rally AWESOME??”